16 thoughts on “Chess”

  1. hi, these are some nice photos you have here, do you play on chessrex or chessmanic. i would like to play you sometime and see your tatics. I sure you will smoke me since I am only a average chess player lol.

  2. dear yelizabeta, i really liked your web page. i think you´re doing a grat job on teaching and promoting chess with this site and all your activities, keep up this great work and congratulations. sincerely, oskar

    1. Thank you so much! I am trying hard to advertise chess in Canada, which is also giving me motivation to improve myself in the game.
      Please keep following! Have a good day, Oskar!

  3. hey, What is ICC? That one of the sites I said or is that a site you just play on from time to time when you have free time?

  4. ok unfortunately, I do not have the money to play on that site right now. I hope whenever I do have the money. that I will remember to find you and challenge you a game.

  5. ok, i have a free trail going on at ICC. if you can catch me online and would like to send me a challege, my name there is christbro7. What is yours so I would send you one?

  6. ok, thank you, for some reason I am finding people more challeging to beat here, I hope I can use this or it would be a waste of time paying for extended membership whenever I get the money.

  7. Very nice web site Liza and great job promoting chess; especially for female chess players.
    Best of Luck in your future endeavors!

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